

Dear  SCMers,  Senior  Friends  and  Friends  of  WSCF,

We  receive  with  sadness  the  news  that  members  of  SCM  Myanmar  and  their 
families  were  among  those  missing  and  affected  by  the  killer  cyclone  that 
hit  Myanmar  over  the  weekend.  Even  our  SCM  office  in  Yangon  was  not  spared 
by  the  devastation.  Please  refer  to  the  email  below  from  Kaythi  Min  Din,  our 
Women's  Program  Coordinator  of  SCM  Myanmar.
我們收到一則令人難過的消息,因為這週末襲擊緬甸的殺手颱風,緬甸的SCM成員及他們的家人當中也有人失蹤。連我們在仰光的SCM辦公室也沒有逃過ㄧ劫,詳情請看緬甸SCM的婦女幹事Kaythi Min Din的email。

At  the  moment  the  actual  death  toll  and  massive  impact  to  lives  and  property 
has  yet  be  determined,  but  Myanmar  State  Media  Authority  place  the  figure  to 
22,000  people  dead  and  41,000  still  missing.  The  impact  of  this  cyclone  is 
unimaginable  and  far-reaching,  with  millions  of  people  living  in  abject 
poverty  and  suffering  even  before  the  cyclone  hit  the  country.

At  this  moment  of  crisis,  we  call  upon  everyone  in  the  SCMs  and  global 
Federation  to  respond  to  the  call  for  support,  action  and  prayers  from  our 
colleagues  and  friends  in  SCM  Myanmar.  Any  effort  to  help  alleviate  the 
suffering  of  the  people  and  enable  our  SCM  members  to  respond  to  this  crisis 
and  rebuild  the  lives  of  the  people  will  be  greatly  appreciated.  Your 
support  can  be  channeled  through  the  WSCF  AP  regional  office  in  Hong  Kong 
and  the  Inter-regional  Office  in  Geneva,  address  and  contact  details  below
在此危急時刻,我們呼籲SCM所有的人、全球聯盟的成員,來支持我們緬甸SCM的同事及朋友們,做出行動,並為他們代禱。希望大家提供任何的幫助,來減輕人民痛苦,並使SCM成員能對此危機做出回應,以及重建他們的生活。你的幫助可傳到WSCF AP在香港的辦公室,或是WSCF在日內瓦的辦公室,底下有住址及聯絡方式。

In  Solidarity  and  Prayers  for  SCM  colleagues  and  friends,

Necta  Montes  Rocas
WSCF  AP  Regional  Secretary
Unit  1-2,  18/F,  280  Portland  St.  Commercial  Bldg.,
Mongkok,  Kowloon,  Hong  Kong


WSCF幹事Michael Wallace所寫的email

Call to Prayer and Action

To all SCMs, Senior Friends and friends of WSCF

Dear friends, as you know, Myanmar has been hit by a terrible cyclone; the death toll is estimated at 100,000 and more than one million people are homeless and battling to stave off disease and hunger.  

Situation after the cyclone
Around 5,000 square kilometers (1,930 miles) remain under water and in many places there is little fresh food or water left. Food prices in Myanmar, have soared (a bag of rice now costs 40,000 kyats (35 dollars) in the commercial hub Yangon, up from 25,000 kyats last week. Rotting corpses are stacking up, posing the risk of disease. 
SCM Myanmar's response
The ruling junta in Myanmar has allowed in only a few disaster and relief experts, they have been encouraged to accept help from the international aid community. Still, the aid is not arriving quickly enough.  Our local SCM is in an excellent position to bring life-saving help to several villages.

Myanmar Student Christian Movement (SCM) tell us that two SCM staff members have been sent to affected areas in Lapputa Township, Ayeyarwaddy Division. All of the villages in Laputta Township, Phyar Pone Township and Bogalay township were damaged and dead bodies are still floating around the houses. Some of our SCM students, all very active in the movement, from Pathein have been lost.
Providing people with safe water, food, salts and medicine are the priority for the SCM staff. Providing shelter will be the next step.
緬甸SCM告訴我們有兩位SCM同工受派到Lapputa鎮, Ayeyarwaddy區的災區。Lapputa鎮、Phyar Pone 鎮、Bogalay鎮所有的村落都受到災害,屍體仍在房屋附近漂浮著。有一些活躍的、來自Pathein的SCM目前失蹤。SCM同工目前主要任務是提供人民安全用水、食物、鹽、藥品。下一步是要提供避難所。

On the 10th of May, members of one of the local SCM branches will go to Agattan village to give money so that the people can buy rice and salt. In that village 4,500 households have lost their shelters. They are collecting money from students and senior friends in Myanmar. 

Ms. Kaythi Min Din, Myanmar SCM's women's co-ordinator tells us that "now, in the national office, the students who lost their parents and families come and meet us. They feel so depressed and in their mind, the national office is like a shelter for their mental security. I convey your (WSCF's) deep concern to them."
緬甸SCM婦女幹事Kaythi Min Din小姐告訴我們:「目前,在國際辦公室,失去父母及家人的學生來找我們。他們心靈受挫,國際辦公室成為他們心靈的避難所。我向他們表達你們(WSCF)的懇切關心。」

Call to solidarity
WSCF calls on all members of SCMs around the world and all friends of the Federation to pray for SCMers in Myanmar and their families, and all the people of Myanmar. For those who have died and for those struggling to survive.

In addition, we urge all SCMs and friends of WSCF to send messages of solidarity and encouragement to SCM Myanmar as well as generous financial contributions to support the relief work that students in Myanmar are doing.
另外,我們強烈希望所有的SCM及WSCF之友傳訊息給緬甸SCM ,表達團結鼓勵之意,也請為了緬甸學生在做的工作慷慨奉獻。

From Geneva WSCF will make an emergency grant of US$5,000 from Ecumenical Assistance Programme funds. From Nairobi the Africa office will give US$500.




Dear Michael,
Now, I can feel that how much solidarity spirit among the SCMs.
This is very valuable encouragement for MSCM and also our people.
Some of our students are now in emergency relief centers and two of our staff are still in affected area.
Me and another staff will go to a village to support rice, medicine and cloths for that village as much as we can.
MSCM is working for the people with all of our best.
Continue to pray for our country and people.

In Solidarity,




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