
1 John 3:4-20  

4  Pa/j o` poiw/n th.n a`marti,an kai. th.n avnomi,an poiei/( kai. h` a`marti,a evsti.n h` avnomi,aÅ

Every one who does sin also makes wickedness, and the sin is the wickedness.


5  kai. oi;date o[ti evkei/noj evfanerw,qh( i[na ta.j a`marti,aj a;rh|( kai. a`marti,a evn auvtw/| ouvk e;stinÅ  

And you(pl) know that that person revealed, so that he may take away the sins, and there is no sin in him.


6  pa/j o` evn auvtw/| me,nwn ouvc a`marta,nei\ pa/j o` a`marta,nwn ouvc e`w,raken auvto.n ouvde. e;gnwken auvto,nÅ  

Every one who remains in him doesn’t sin; every one who sins hasn’t seen him nor known him.


7  Tekni,a( mhdei.j plana,tw u`ma/j\ o` poiw/n th.n dikaiosu,nhn di,kaio,j evstin( kaqw.j evkei/noj di,kaio,j evstin\  

Little children, let no one lead you(pl) astray; the one who does righteousness is righteous, as that person is righteous;


8  o` poiw/n th.n a`marti,an evk tou/ diabo,lou evsti,n( o[ti avpV avrch/j o` dia,boloj a`marta,neiÅ eivj tou/to evfanerw,qh o` ui`o.j tou/ qeou/( i[na lu,sh| ta. e;rga tou/ diabo,louÅ  

The one who does sin is out of the devil, because the devil sins from beginning. The son of God was revealed into this, so that he may destroy the works of the devil.

犯罪的是屬魔鬼,因為魔鬼從起初就犯罪。 神的兒子顯現出來,為要除滅魔鬼的作為。

9  Pa/j o` gegennhme,noj evk tou/ qeou/ a`marti,an ouv poiei/( o[ti spe,rma auvtou/ evn auvtw/| me,nei( kai. ouv du,natai a`marta,nein( o[ti evk tou/ qeou/ gege,nnhtaiÅ  

Every one who had been born from God doesn’t sin, because his seed remains in him, and he is unable to sin, because he had been born from God.

凡從 神生的,就不犯罪,因 神的道(原文作種)存在他心裡;他也不能犯罪,因為他是由 神生的。

10  evn tou,tw| fanera, evstin ta. te,kna tou/ qeou/ kai. ta. te,kna tou/ diabo,lou\ pa/j o` mh. poiw/n dikaiosu,nhn ouvk e;stin evk tou/ qeou/( kai. o` mh. avgapw/n to.n avdelfo.n auvtou/Å  

In this the children of God and the children of devil is known; every one who doesn’t do righteousness is not from the God, also the one who doesn’t love his brother.

從此就顯出誰是 神的兒女,誰是魔鬼的兒女。凡不行義的就不屬 神,不愛弟兄的也是如此。

11  {Oti au[th evsti.n h` avggeli,a h]n hvkou,sate avpV avrch/j( i[na avgapw/men avllh,louj(  

Because this is the message which you heard from beginning, so that we may love one another,



au[th是指什麼?和合本將h` avggeli,a翻成「命令」,受2:7影響;將au[th視為avgapw/men avllh,louj,並且沒有把i[na翻出來,所以整句的語氣也差很多。是指3:1-103:10將焦點拉到「不愛兄弟」,v.12接著講到該隱不愛兄弟。


12  ouv kaqw.j Ka,i?n evk tou/ ponhrou/ h=n kai. e;sfaxen to.n avdelfo.n auvtou/\ kai. ca,rin ti,noj e;sfaxen auvto,nÈ o[ti ta. e;rga auvtou/ ponhra. h=n ta. de. tou/ avdelfou/ auvtou/ di,kaiaÅ  

Do not be out of the evil as Cain and murdered his brother; and why did he murder him? Because his works were evil and the works of his brother is righteous.




ta. e;rga中性複數名詞視為集合名詞,用單數動詞h=n

ta. de.省略e;rga


13  ÎKai.Ð mh. qauma,zete( avdelfoi,( eiv misei/ u`ma/j o` ko,smojÅ  

Do not wonder, brothers, if the world hates you.







14  h`mei/j oi;damen o[ti metabebh,kamen evk tou/ qana,tou eivj th.n zwh,n( o[ti avgapw/men tou.j avdelfou,j\ o` mh. avgapw/n me,nei evn tw/| qana,tw|Å  

WE continue to know that we have left from the death into the life, because we continue to love the brothers; the one who doesn’t love continue to remain in the death.







koino,w 1aor. evkoi,nwsa; pf. kekoi,nwka; pf. pass. kekoi,nwmai; (1) as violating ritual holiness make common or unclean, defile, desecrate (AC 21.28); (2) as making a person ceremonially unclean defile, make ritually unacceptable (HE 9.13); (3) as making a person morally unclean defile, pollute (MK 7.15b); (4) of ceremonial disqualification declare unclean, consider common, regard as ritually unacceptable (AC 10.15)


15  pa/j o` misw/n to.n avdelfo.n auvtou/ avnqrwpokto,noj evsti,n( kai. oi;date o[ti pa/j avnqrwpokto,noj ouvk e;cei zwh.n aivw,nion evn auvtw/| me,nousanÅ  

Every one who hates his brother is a murderer, and you(pl) know that every murderer doesn’t have eternal life remaining in him.





16  evn tou,tw| evgnw,kamen th.n avga,phn( o[ti evkei/noj u`pe.r h`mw/n th.n yuch.n auvtou/ e;qhken\ kai. h`mei/j ovfei,lomen u`pe.r tw/n avdelfw/n ta.j yuca.j qei/naiÅ  

By this we have known the love, because that person laid his life for us; and WE ought to lay the lives for the brothers.






17  o]j dV a'n e;ch| to.n bi,on tou/ ko,smou kai. qewrh/| to.n avdelfo.n auvtou/ crei,an e;conta kai. klei,sh| ta. spla,gcna auvtou/ avpV auvtou/( pw/j h` avga,ph tou/ qeou/ me,nei evn auvtw/|È  

But whoever has the means of subsistence of the world and sees his brother having a need but closes his heart from him, how does the love of God remains in him?

凡有世上財物的,看見弟兄窮乏,卻塞住憐恤的心,愛 神的心怎能存在他裡面呢?




18  Tekni,a( mh. avgapw/men lo,gw| mhde. th/| glw,ssh| avlla. evn e;rgw| kai. avlhqei,a|Å  

Little children, let us not love in word or in the tongue but in work and in truth.





19  ÎKai.Ð evn tou,tw| gnwso,meqa o[ti evk th/j avlhqei,aj evsme,n( kai. e;mprosqen auvtou/ pei,somen th.n kardi,an h`mw/n(  

By this(For this sake) we shall know that we are of the truth, and we shall persuade our hearts before him.

從此就知道我們是屬真理的,並且我們的心在 神面前可以安穩。


為什麼gnwso,meqapei,somen要用未來式?因為未來式有「當」的意思。Ex. 十誡。




20  o[ti eva.n kataginw,skh| h`mw/n h` kardi,a( o[ti mei,zwn evsti.n o` qeo.j th/j kardi,aj h`mw/n kai. ginw,skei pa,ntaÅ

that if our heart condemn/ if the heart condemn us, because God is greater than our hearts and God knows everything.

我們的心若責備我們, 神比我們的心大,一切事沒有不知道的。







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